
The Book Ring

Welcome to The Book Ring; your cozy community on the small web for bibliophiles everywhere! Join us and be part of a growing community of book bloggers, readers, writers, and authors! Whether you read books or write books, you are welcome here. <a href='https://webri.ng/webring/thebookring/previous?via=https://thecozy.cat'><img src="https://i.imgur.com/sIR6aFP.gif" width="13" height="13"> </a><a href="https://thebookring.neocities.org/"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/jMPpttb.gif'></a><a href='https://webri.ng/webring/thebookring/next?via=https://thecozy.cat'> <img src="https://i.imgur.com/6ni3bTd.gif" width="13" height="13"></a>

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Copy the following markup to your website so your visitors can navigate your webring. Alternatively, get creative and design your own!

In many cases, simply using the random site link will suffice!

To get the HTML code for linking a particular site to the webring, use the Get Example Markup button below it in the list.

Note: The URL parameter for identifying a website's position in the webring has changed from a numerical index, to the site's URL. The old numerical 'index' parameter will still work correctly, however for new sites the 'via' parameter is recommended. This helps correct an issue where deleting a site from a webring can cause the numerical index to point to the wrong site. Sites currently using the old markup do not need to upgrade.


  1. The Cozy Cathttps://thecozy.cat
  2. Idelideshttps://idelides.xyz
  3. Poptart Boxhttps://poptartbox.neocities.org/
  4. Redickhttps://redick.neocities.org
  5. Smelly Beadhttps://smellybead.neocities.org/beadhome
  6. Nannohttps://cybertomboy.neocities.org/
  7. Alcedoniahttps://alcedonia.neocities.org/
  8. Saddleblastershttps://saddleblasters.neocities.org
  9. Cabbage Sorterhttps://cabbagesorter.neocities.org/
  10. Rosellehttps://roselle.neocities.org
  11. Clockworkhttps://clockwooork.github.io/index.html
  12. Caroline Barnard-Smithhttps://cazzysmith.neocities.org
  13. Rhennhttps://rhenn.neocities.org
  14. Sylviehttps://all-seeing-bunny.neocities.org/
  15. Finniallahttps://finn-all-uh.org
  16. Kithttps://harvest-home.neocities.org
  17. Tevada Pay-Peyhttps://thelesserword.neocities.org/
  18. Eggiehttps://eggie.neocities.org/librarybooks/
  19. Utsob Royhttps://hermitage.utsob.me
  20. Metallichttps://metallicscorner.neocities.org/
  21. Melhttps://melsic.neocities.org/
  22. BiblioHoundhttps://bibliohound.neocities.org/
  23. Icewolfhttps://bright-eyes.neocities.org/
  24. FireFairyhttps://firefairy.neocities.org/