Starry's Grove

 This website is rated Web 14. Read more about the web-rating pandas here.

Greetings Traveler

Welcome to my clearing in the forest!

This site is meant to be a reflection of myself and my interests to share with others. I like to think of it as leaving the doors open to my personal cottage, and letting guests look around and explore. Have fun looking around!

If you're lost, please reference the sitemap.

Notice: My website is SFW but expect some mild swearing here and there.

FC2無料カウンターFC2無料カウンターFC2無料カウンターFC2無料カウンターFC2無料カウンター guests have visited the forest

FC2無料カウンターFC2無料カウンターFC2無料カウンター current explorers

(This is me :3)

Meet the Forest Keeper

Hi I'm Starry! (◍•ᴗ•◍)

I'm your local shut-in artist with a little too much time on her hands. I like playing video games, crafting, and plant science. I was inspired by Loveweb to make my own website and add some more creativity to the net.

Also, I'm a night owl who gets her best ideas underneath the moonlight.

  • Feeling: The current mood of Starry_Knight at
  • My time:
  • Working on: Tinkering with graphics
  • Last updated:
    (i've been doing a lot of minor updates so probably today lol)
  • My Tumblr page My Neocities profile
RSS feed

Update Logs

Below is my RSS feed, it's like an activity feed for my site updates. You can use a RSS reader like Feedbro (PC) or Feeder (mobile & PC) or to view these updates. Click the orange feed button above for the RSS URL.

Starry's Grove Updates

Buncha Minor Updates


☘ Added stickers to the piclog and new quizzes in the scrapbook
☘ Added a calendar and release date countdown in the bedroom
☘ Added 4 new characters in brainrot central
☘ Readded some images in the header and added text shadows

Updated my art gallery


☘ Added my art from Feburary
☘ I also converted my images to WebP and sized them down about 10 times the original size. This is all to try and prevent the page from taking 10 minutes to load in. A lot of the images got hella compressed so if you want to see the full clear image, just click on it :3

I made a webring for green sites!


☘ The Verdantville webring is now live!
☘ I'm so happy with how it turned out hehe

Feb 10th Blog Entry


☘ Talking about pleasant interactions with folks on the interwebs

Scrapbook Update / Minor Updates


☘ Finally updated the code for the scrapbook page, looks really good now!
☘ Minor updates: fixing dead links, updated currently tab,
organized resources page, added link on how to add status cafe widget in the bedroom
☘ Also, happy February!

First Anime Review


☘ Posted my first anime review on Mayonaka Punch! :3

Starry's Grove V2 is Live!


☘ Big overhaul of the sites' theme!
☘ I wanted give the site a more overall theme and lean into the "you're in a forest" vibe
☘ Fixed my messy code (mostly). I organized the css so I can edit things more easily
☘ NO MORE CONFLICTING CSS YIPPEE AAAA and I made up with CSS grid. We cool now =w=

The Doropedia is Live!


☘ Made a "wiki page" for my favorite little gremlin, Doro!
☘ If you're unfamiliar, you can learn more in the wiki :3

Dec 31 Blog Post


☘ Reflected on how my year went a bit in this one
☘ Don't forget to ctrl + f5 to clear your cache!

Scrapbook page is live!


☘ This page has all my stamps n stuff and my piclog which I'll try to update semi often
☘ Added more site buttons and organized them a bit

Dec 1st blog post


☘ Another blog post is up! I mostly talk about valuing the content we enjoy and acknowledging that it was made by a person
☘ Changed the backgrounds of some of the pages
☘ Added "listening to" section in the currently tab

Art Gallery Updated!


☘ I updated the look of the art gallery and added some of my art from the past couple of months
☘ Added featured fanlistings to the home page (THERE'S A SANS FANLISTING NOW YAY :D)

I Made a Site Button


☘ I made a button for my site! It took forever to try an figure out how to make it more readable but i did it! It's at the bottom on my homepage
☘ Minor updates to the homepage
☘ I added more site buttons :3

Oct 2 Blog Entry / Minor Updates


☘ New blog entry is up! Talking about what I've been doing the past month
☘ Music is back sitewide :D yay!
☘ Tweaked the mobile layout a bit: made the main content fill the screen more, fonts are a bit bigger so it's easier to read

Finished Library Reviews


☘ Finally finished the webtoon reviews in the library

Hii I'm back coding again :D I made an RSS feed so ppl who want to keep up with site updates can! It's really useful so you don't have to make a neocities account to stay updated. I think everyone should make one =w= Anyway, I used Doqmeat's guide on how to make an RSS feed. It was really easy to understand :3

Aug 25 Blog Entry


☘ Just me yapping about women's health and the education system

Aug 17 Blog Entry


☘ Life update!

Brainrot Central is Live!


☘ I really loved making this lol. Enjoy learning about these fictional characters I like =w=

Also I took away the site music temporarily because I don't want nintendo to come and shoot me out back lol. I'll try to find some non copyrighted music to use soon.

Some Minor Updates


☘ Added some stuff in the about me section
☘ Added new site buttons to the home page
☘ Minor changes

Mini Updates


☘ More site buttons!
☘ Moved visitor counter and current viewer counter to sidebar
☘ Changed the footer. You can now jump to the top of the page in the footer (except on the home page)

Also, I can now update my files from Github :D I used Petrapixel's guide on how to do so

First Blog Entry / Homepage Changes


☘ Posted my first blog entry!
☘ Added webpage for blog archive
☘ Moved the update log to the main part of the homepage and made the navigation bar horizontal near the top of the page

I've been learning what iframes are! Pretty cool :3 The update log will probably be in an iframe

HTML Resources!


☘ Added resources for those who might be interested in making a website too :3

I'm also gonna make my own website template sometime soon

My Room Webpage is Up!


☘ Welcome to my room! It has my blog and all things me related
☘ Moved fanlistings to into my room

Guestbook Added


☘ I have a guestbook now! It's at the bottom of the homepage
☘ Moved fanlistings to it's own page

New Fanlistings Page


☘ New fanlistings and webrings section

The Library is Live!


☘ New library webpage! It's a collection of webtoons I like, a summary, and my thoughts on them

I'm so happy with how it turned out :3 I think the bookcase looks really good. I'll finish writing my reviews periodically

Minor Updates Again


☘ Added web rating panda to the homepage, my website is rated WEB-14 btw!
☘ Added button that links back to the neocities home page in the surf the web section

Jukebox Player / I Love Flexbox


☘ Added jukebox using Solaria's script!
☘ Added my OC portrait and featured artwork section

I switched back to flexbox again after going back and fully learning how it works. Flexbox is so good when you know what you're doing lol

Added Music Player / Not Found Page


☘ Added music players to home page and art gallery page
☘ Added not found page, it's space themed ^w^

It'll be a place holder for the rest of the navigation links till I finish them

Art Gallery is Finished!


☘ The art gallery is done! Go check it out :3

New Mobile Layout and More


☘ New mobile site layout, custom cursor, and site icon

I kinda don't like how the mobile layout turned out but it's okay

Added Links in Navbar / Layout Changes / etc


☘ Added about the webmaster, plant pets, cool sites (WITH WORKING LINKS AND HOVER TEXT), hover text in the nav bar, visitor counter
☘ Changed greeting text (more descriptive about the site overall), stamp train to be more in line with the theme

It was a beginner's mistake to try and do the WHOLE SITE in flexbox oh my god (note from future me: DONT LISTEN TO ME! JUST LEARN HOW TO USE FLEX-BOX PROPERLY I DONT KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT AAAAA)

Other than that, I made a lot of good progress today! I really love how the about me and the plants section turned out :3

Site Creation!


I started writing logs on June 6th but I was working on things before then

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Need to ask a question, have comments, find something broken, or things loading slowly? Shoot me an email and I'll look into it!

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part of the persona ring :)