New You - Splatoon 2


hi there! welcome to my little piece of the web. i consider this website as a small pond where i can inject all my thoughts and ideas and weird art into! in case you need one, here's a site map!

this website is divided into three sections: projects, gallery and fun!

projects is where i document all my art projects that ive taken on. my art mainly revolves around archiving memories, the concept of replicas and pure excitement of trying new mediums!

the gallery currently holds archives of all my digital and traditional art as well as my current art! meanwhile, fun is where ill put ramblings and other such things into! consider it the more written aspect of this website!

if youd like, you can add my rss feed below to your favourite reader to keep updated! thanks again for stopping by! be sure to grab a button before heading out!

made with love,

Style Switcher!

(c) colrana (2020 - forever)
made with neocitiesrss