Coded from scratch by Jassu M
aromatic // Cinnamon and Laundry
Jassu's Neocities V2
My button :3 please save the image to your own neocities if you link back or use the code
You can contact me on Instagram or my email,
Websurf sites I visit. Buttons on the left lead to my mutuals. Click next to the web rating for more buttons
January 10, 2025. This might be the most I've updated my site in a while- I've redone the music page AGAIN, but hopefully this time, visiters will have something to gain from it. I've made it that I now recommend albums for you based on different genres, AND I've added a section where people can recommend albums they like. This is my favorite update I think.November 11, 2024. Removed my Spacehey link since I deleted my account. September 23, 2024. Added a ton more resources. Check them out, wink wink.July 23, 2024. New tutorial up for GIF making. Blog updated. New album review. Finalized the Ghost shrine. Unlinked the Lana Del Rey shrine. January 6, 2024. Added a new blog entry. Have been continuously updating the SOTW every week. Might revamp page but we'll see.September 23, 2023. Re-added the music review page. Added a Static-X Shrine. Updated my blog.July 11, 2023. Added a CD burning tutorial.June 30, 2023. Added blog. Linked to SpaceHey account. deleted other social medias off the old index.June 6, 2023. Replaced the marquee with a scrolling thing so mutuals can view their button easier :3June 4, 2023. Added the Lana Del Rey Shrine and Ginger Snaps Shrine. May 14, 2023. Added buttons for mutuals that don't have one. Added fun test results lol :3 added some pixel graphics from Whimsical (button can be found under the buttons wall). Replaced my small status button for the actual status message. Added back my art page.April 21, 2023. Removed the Webamp and replaced it with a music bar at the top, with different songs this time.April 19, 2023. Back to obsessive editing again lol. Created my Silent Hill Shrine. Still have to add information.April 17, 2023. I completely redid my main page over spring break! The old one is still viewable at a different page March 30, 2023. Sorry for the spam of updates these past weeks lol. It's been difficult to do it since Neocities keeps crashing for everybody, damn.March 24, 2023. Added my music page!! Yay!! Added blinkies and removed most of the text from the updates page, just to look neater.
To Do
Add Spineshank shrine and Christian Death shrineRedo current Lana shrineAlbum recommendations (remove album ratings and music section?) Update to V3 Resources Sitemap Ginger Snaps shrine Static-X shrine Make more tutorials: How to make glitter graphics; How to use VLC to convert mp4 to mp3.
Copyright 2023-Forever, Jasmine M
Rainy Hearts font by Camellina on DAfonts. Spirit Cursive font by Asterism