Welcome! Welkom! Nau Mai Haere Mai!

👋🏻 You’ve found the Musk and Meta-free personal site belonging to Moxie, a perpetually confused and frustrated Kiwi Millennial living in the Netherlands with a brokedown body and a moshpit mind.

This is my tribute to the “old web”, a time before capitalism got its sticky fingers on the internet and turned it into the hellscape it has become. A space free from ads, sponsored content, minimalism, algorithms and social media fuckery for me to share my thoughts and knowledge with the WWW.

Some recommended reading before you continue browsing…

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Site Updates

🗓️ 17 May 24

I am still on my little hiatus, but I’m just dropping in to let you know I have turned comments, my AMA page and contact form off because Zionists have literally nothing better to do with their time.

🗓️ 14 May 24

Things aren’t going too well for me right now, so I’m going to be taking some time out. Feel free to email me if you want to keep in touch while I sort myself out.

🗓️ 11 May 24

Answered a… very poorly worded “question” from a self-proclaimed anti-Semite about my usage of the word “kvetch”. 😂

🗓️ 29 Apr 24

Implemented dark and light mode properly (instead of just black and white options!) and added “clean” options for those who aren’t a fan of the busy background and logo. Clear your cache if things are looking weird!

🗓️ 29 Apr 24

Answered a question about the Satanic theme of my website.

🗓️ 24 Apr 24

Answered a question about my dislike of common Boomer names for dogs.