I've been a passionate software developer for almost 30 years and currently a tech-savvy IT manager. In my spare time, I tinker with things like this blog, because creating software never lets you go. Here is more about me ...
Mentions United: New Renderer and Refactorings
Until now, I only occasionally checked the runtime of my Mentions United scripts by using a console output. It didn’t seem to be that important, because the scripts run asynchronously and the interactions only appear at the end of an article, with some time to spare before the reader gets there. However, the console times always referred to the providers that were actually executed and said nothing about the time that was actually needed. I also show the number of interactions at the beginning of an article, but not at the interactions themselves. In my head, the idea of a summary line was forming …
<p class="interactions-summary-line">
INTERACTION-COUNT interactions collected by
<a target="_blank" href="https://github.com/kristofzerbe/MentionsUnited">Mentions United</a>
via PROVIDER-COUNT unique providers and
REQUEST-COUNT requests in DURATION seconds