7 January 2025 // 9:07pm

May I interest you in some programmer socks?
` heya! this website is a dedicated space for me, and all my aliases; however, due to my insane ADHD ( discovered on 11/18/2024 ), this site's progression is whenever i feel like it. slowly but surely things will appear on this website and ill probably never mention when it's finished xD. Thanks for visiting though! :D

` im interested into a lot of things, however, my main interests focus on programming, 2d/3d art and illustration, music production/sound engineering, and photography/video production/editing, which id love to use all of those things to be an indie dev, or at least take care of all the things required to do it.

` i want to make this page as fun and interactive as possible, experiencing my diverse interests and bringing them to the table! So expect sudden style changes, random occurrences, easter eggs, and funky cool tricks!


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