felix waller is
a programmer beginning a career in web development building little sites to solve little problems interested in simplicity and accessibility
a musician studying cello playing with the pico players working on relaxation and tone
a person just about keeping houseplants alive spending time with his family enjoying a year of enrichment
- notes – minimal notes for minimal people
- colluder – a realtime collaborative crossword site
- string roll – a new music notation system for digital composition with string instruments
- this website – an expression of self
- I got away with it – this time
- check in 1 – a monthly check in, 12 months late
- spring cleaning – it's fun when it's easy
- footprints – I'm becoming an artist
- self hosting – a taste of freedom
- kew gardens orchid festival – pinks and greens
- art music – more ways to be less popular
- it it time to be an adult – a cacophonous year
- directory uploads should be easier – or possible at all
- the case for manual formatting – and why I write my HTML weirdly