I am probably better at making video games for a living but I love web dev.

Developing this whole website for fun, aiming at making it compliant with web accessibility standards, responsive and mobile friendly, google amp compliant, service-worker compliant and very performant (means green scoring in all google tests), using no high level framework (coders like to code) except my own server-side php html components library (work in progres)!


A few web tools I am working on

APCA Contrasted colors checker

Check if you text is contrasted enough, depending on color, background color, font size and font weight

Also suggests a few diffent valid colors to use instead

Why ?

I personaly found that APCA's maths are way closer to my perception of color accessibility than WCAG ('AAA' score for black on #EA7439, really ?)

At least it takes font size & weight into account, and differenciates front color from background color.

Find the tool here!

CSS Ipsum

A CSS sandbox / showcase

This is a fake/test page meant to test CSS frameworks and styles.

It aggregates several showcase pages (some well known, others that come from the past) presenting all html components into one single page where you can

  • Toggle preset CSS frameworks (normalize & co)
  • Add a link to an external stylesheet
  • Edit existing CSS
  • Switch between dark and light modes

Also note that ALL CSS of this page can be live edited to see what happens!

Also serves as a Styleguide for this site!

Experiment here!

Masonry layout

My take at applying a masonry style to your existing layout.

So let say you have a collection of components. First, if not already done,

  • apply a grid pattern to it (just setting grid display, gap, and columns template). Then
  • simply apply this tiny javascript function to your component parent,

and done!

I did a codepen to showcase it: https://codepen.io/villepreux/pen/XWmoOrG

DOM Framework


Web Document PHP Markup & components framework

  • https://github.com/villepreux/dom
  • https://villepreux.github.io/dom


Proof Of Concept


  • Writing web documents/pages quickly.
  • Using HTML known markup syntax.
  • Mainly semanticaly
  • Without having to worry about latest, state of the art, boilerplate code
  • Automaticaly generating derived content (jsonfeed, RSS, sitemap, favicons, service worker...)
  • Independently of chooosen component/styling/whatever framework (normalize vs sanitize vs reset, material vs bootstrap vs spectre vs..., react vs 11ty vs..., ~~AMP or not,~~...)
  • Having access to comonly used predefined components (videos, social-media cards, maps, ...)
  • Being able to create and/or compose new components with ease
  • Compiling into fast code
  • Compiling into valid markup (HTML, CSS, JSON~~, AMP~~...)
  • Compiling into good SEO
  • Rendering well without CSS nor JS
  • Not needed JS at all if wanted or when disabled
  • Using a single language for everything (templating, css-preprocessing, ...)
  • While still allowing to inject HTML/CSS/JS anywhere at will
  • Use PHP (Deployed everywhere. Easy to learn. Known by many. Capable of generating anything. Modern language in its latest incarnations)
  • Declarative programming
  • State of the art defaults
  • Assumes evergreen browsers

Getting started

Why not start with examples? The standard Hello World one first, then more complete examples.

Known issues

  • Codebase: It's a proof of concept at this stage. So need to be rewritten. Currently has very long line lengths & extrem single-line functions use: Hard to read.
  • ~~Codebase: Naming conventions: Missing lot of lib prefixes~~ => Now having its namespace
  • Features: Social networks content scrapping: Broken in many cases => TODO : kill feature or go the API way
  • Too much default CSS => Needs cleanup while keeping out of the box nice and complete "hello world" or mardown based websites


  • Codebase: Refactoring: WIP: Prefix everything + provide unprefixed facade for components markup
  • Add options for CSS automatic classes naming conventions
  • Reduce boilerplate CSS size
  • Add option for CSS classes prefixing
  • Optimize server-side performances
  • Where possible, use sub-components aggregation instead of multiple parameters
  • Convert default parameters to "auto" parameters where appropriate
  • Where possible, use named, unordered & optional parameters => Upgrade to php 8 to use native named parameters?
  • Use heredoc syntax where possible
  • ~~Remove jquery internal usage~~ DONE
  • Document the code
  • Remove framework bindings for framework that are no more on top of the frameworks leaderboards
  • Design a new framework binding mechanism (would markup + classes bindings & transformations be enough?)
  • Make 11ty sample
  • Make Material Design v3 sample

Build justforfunnoreally.dev badge

© Antoine Villepreux 2020-2024

DOM is provided for free (like free beer). Use at your own risk

This site

I love my website!

I love my website! Digital garden is the right description

That includes all my webdev experiements. Some of the features:

  • Uses DOM homemade framework (See this page source code below to see how it looks like)
  • Web-mentions support
  • Commenting (via mastodon) support
  • 'Level 3' IndieWeb'ified
  • RelMeAuth support
  • JSON-RPC is automatically generated
  • RSS is automatically generated
  • Dark mode support with toogle button (in the footer)
  • No-JS support (with toogle in the footer to test it)
  • No-CSS support (with toogle in the footer to test it)

Some stuff

  • Some web-art (I use those as my living room TV 'screen-savers')
  • Bookmarks section that is automatically augmented with followed site RSS feeds. As this triggers some ethical questions I wrote a blogpost about it.
  • And since web should be more open, your can find the source code of each page just before the footer! (the real source code, the backend one, before static site compilation! Read more here)

Misc. tests

Mastodon comments

Comment on this blog post by publicly replying to this Mastodon post using a Mastodon or other ActivityPub/Fediverse account. Known non-private replies are displayed below.

No known comments, yet. Reply to this Mastodon post to add your own!

Web mentions

These are webmentions via the IndieWeb and webmention.io

No known mention, yet

Source code of this web page

use function dom\{set,markdown,include_file,path,init,output,user_codepen,html,style,main,header,footer,anchor,article,h2,h3,ul,li,a,p,strong,img,gif};
use function dom\{grid,card,card_title,card_properties,card_text,card_media,card_action};

set("title",            "Web - Villapirorum");
set("description",      "Villapirorum webdev page");
set("mastodon-post",    "111954786154809891");
set("unsplash",         "DuHKoV44prg, ffstop");


        p("I am probably better at ".a("making video games for a living", "../pro")." but I love web dev.").
                "Developing this ".a("whole website", "#ilovemywebsite")." for fun, ".
                "aiming at making it compliant with web accessibility standards, ".
                "responsive and mobile friendly<del>, google amp compliant</del>, ".
                "service-worker compliant and very performant ".
                "(means green scoring in all google tests), ".
                "using no high level framework (coders like to code) ".
                "except my own server-side php html components ".a("library", "#domphp")." (work in progres)!", "lspan-2").
            gif("img/lighthouse.gif"), [ "style" => "--grid-cell-min-width: 200px; align-items: center;" ])).
        header(h2("Tools").p("A few web tools I am working on")).
                card_title(h3("APCA Contrasted colors checker")).
                card_properties("2024-02-01", "https://villapirorum.netlify.app/web/contrasted-colors", "accessibility").
                    p("Check if you text is contrasted enough, ".
                    "depending on color, background color, font size and font weight").
                    p("Also suggests a few diffent valid colors to use instead").
                    p("Why ?").
                    p("I personaly found that APCA's maths are way closer to my perception of color accessibility than WCAG ('AAA' score for black on #EA7439, really ?)").
                    p("At least it takes font size & weight into account, and differenciates front color from background color.").
                card_action(p(a("Find the tool here!", "contrasted-colors")))).
                card_title(h3("CSS Ipsum")).
                card_properties("2024-02-01", "https://villapirorum.netlify.app/css-ipsum", "css").
                    p(strong("A CSS sandbox / showcase")).
                    p("This is a fake/test page meant to test CSS frameworks and styles.").
                    p("It aggregates several showcase pages (some well known, others that come from the past) ".
                    "presenting all html components into one single page where you can").
                        li("Toggle preset CSS frameworks (normalize & co)").
                        li("Add a link to an external stylesheet").
                        li("Edit existing CSS").
                        li("Switch between dark and light modes")).
                    p("Also note that ALL CSS of this page can be live edited to see what happens!").
                    p("Also serves as a Styleguide for this site!")).
                card_action(p(a("Experiment here!", "./css-ipsum"))))).
                card_title(h3("Masonry layout")).
                card_properties("2024-02-01", "https://codepen.io/villepreux/pen/XWmoOrG").
                    p("My take at applying a masonry style to your existing layout.").
                    p("So let say you have a collection of components. First, if not already done,").
                        li("apply a grid pattern to it (just setting grid display, gap, and columns template). Then").
                        li("simply apply this tiny javascript function to your component parent,")).
                    p("and done!").
                    p("I did a codepen to showcase it: ".a("https://codepen.io/villepreux/pen/XWmoOrG"))).
                    user_codepen("XWmoOrG", "Mansonry layout", 800, 600)
        card_title(h2("DOM Framework")).
        card_properties("2024-02-01", "https://villapirorum.netlify.app/dom", "web").
            .dom-readme img[alt]                                { height: 20px; }
            .dom-readme img[alt="Build"]                        { width: 105px; }
            .dom-readme img[alt="justforfunnoreally.dev badge"] { width: 136px; }
            '). // Github badges special style
            str_replace("20XX", date("Y"),
            str_replace("https://github.com/villepreux/dom/tree/master/", "../dom/",
            false, 2), "dom-readme").
        footer(p("DOM is provided for free (like free beer). Use at your own risk")))).
        header(anchor("i-love-my-website").h2("This site").p("I love my website!")).
            p("I love my website! Digital garden is the right description").
            p("That includes all my webdev experiements. Some of the features:").ul(
                li("Uses ".a("DOM", "#domphp")." homemade framework (See this page ".a("source", "#source")." code below to see how it looks like)").
                li("Web-mentions support").
                li("Commenting (via mastodon) support").
                li("'Level 3' ".a("IndieWeb'ified", "https://indiewebify.me")).
                li(a("RelMeAuth", "https://microformats.org/wiki/RelMeAuth"). " support").
                li("JSON-RPC is automatically generated").
                li("RSS is automatically generated").
                li("Dark mode support with toogle button (in the footer)").
                li("No-JS support (with toogle in the footer to test it)").
                li("No-CSS support (with toogle in the footer to test it)").
            p("Some stuff").ul(
                li(a("Some web-art", "art")." (I use those as my living room TV 'screen-savers')").
                li(a("Bookmarks section", "../web-feed")." that is automatically augmented with followed site RSS feeds. As this triggers some ethical questions I wrote ".a("a blogpost about it.", "web-feed")).
                li("And since web should be more open, your can find the ".a("source code", "#source-code")." of each page just before the footer! (the real source code, the backend one, before static site compilation! ".a("Read more here", "source-code").")").
        header(h2("Misc. tests")).
            li(a("CSS Ipsum Test page",                "./css-ipsum"   )).
            li(a("Hello world!",                       "./hello-world" )).
            li(a("Vanilla test page",                  "./vanilla"     )).
            li(a("Style Stage CSS Theme contribution", "./stylestage"  )).
            li(a("Some more tests",                    "../test"       )))).